Frequently Asked Questions about Breast Implants
Dr. Andrew Cohen answers frequently asked questions about breast implants:
1. What is your latest preference for breast implants?
My latest preference is the Allergan INSPIRA® implants. These are fantastic gel implants that I prefer because of the styles and shapes. I prefer a round smooth implant and this comes in a moderate or full implant.
2. Why do you like the full implant so much?
The SRF (smooth round full) Natrelle® implant from Allergan has really been my go-to implant over the last year. This implant gives me nice upper pole fullness, which is very important for all of my patients. It helps with mothers who have a little sagging in the skin or breast tissue. The full implant helps give a lift to the breast tissue. Also, these implants are over filled with gel so that the possibility of rippling is minimized.
3. Are these gummy bear implants?
These are the cohesive gel implants. Allergan is now coming out with a new Natrelle® 410 implant, which is called the highly cohesive implant. The more cohesive the implant ,the more likely the shape will be maintained over time. That is why these more cohesive implants have become increasingly popular.
4. Are the new implants soft if they are cohesive?
I have found them to be slightly firmer than the older-style implants, but not too much. My patients have enjoyed them because the newer implants hold their shape better and have less chance of encapsulation, which is hardening of the implant.
5. Why do you prefer under the muscle?
Under the muscle is preferred because it helps protect the implants and my patients have less wrinkling and/or implant visibility. There are times I have gone above the muscle, but this is just for a select few who want a more “done” look. I prefer under the muscle in most cases.
6. How often do you do breast augmentation surgeries?
Breast augmentation surgery is the most common procedure that I perform. I do about 200 breast augmentation surgeries each year. I do between 2-4 augmentations in a day. All of our patients get a personalized pre- and post-op care and individualized surgical treatment. The pre-op visit consists of fitting our patients in a bra with the appropriate size and determining implant location and incision location. Our pre-op visits usually take about 30 minutes or so.
7. How long is the recovery process?
I do a fast recovery procedure for my breast augmentation patients. This means we do a special type of injection to the breast and to the muscle so that our patients recover faster. Usually 3-5 days is the recovery time. Post-op pain meds and muscle relaxants are commonly ordered for our patients.
8. What makes you unique?
Being a board certified plastic surgeon for 17 years makes me unique. I have developed a technique to ensure my patients have the best cleavage and results that keep them happy. Also, I teach residents at USC, as well as run an Aesthetic Fellowship, so I am not only a surgeon but a teacher as well.
If you are interested in learning more about breast augmentation and breast implants, we encourage you to contact our practice and schedule a consultation with Dr. Cohen.