How Can Breast Reduction Benefit Both Men and Women?

Despite your gender, excess or enlarged breast tissue can develop for a variety of reasons at different stages in life. Fortunately, for both men and women, breast reduction surgery offers an effective treatment to alleviate uncomfortable symptoms that are often associated with the condition. Below, our board-certified Encino plastic surgeon, Dr. Andrew Cohen, details how men and women can benefit from breast surgery to improve their overall confidence, physique, and well-being.

Male Breast Reduction

Adult men, teenagers, and young boys that experience enlarged breasts, also known as gynecomastia, can usually attribute the condition to a hormonal imbalance, certain medications, obesity, genetics, or anabolic steroids. Although increased breast size is typically only a cosmetic concern, some males experience breast tenderness or pain at the nipples as well as depressive thoughts and feelings of embarrassment, especially in social situations. For the more than 20 percent of males affected by this condition, gynecomastia surgery can be highly beneficial as a means to:

  • Remove excess or enlarged breast glands and tissue
  • Eliminate fat cells in the breast region resistant to diet and exercise
  • Reduce the overall size of the chest area
  • Flatten and define the chest appearance
  • Trim extra skin to fit the new chest contours
  • Increase self-esteem and ease mental discomfort

Male breast reduction may be performed on patients diagnosed with either true gynecomastia (excess glands and tissue) or pseudogynecomastia (buildup of fat cells), as determined after a medical evaluation and consultation with a qualified plastic surgeon, such as Dr. Cohen.

Female Breast Reduction

Women that struggle with overly large breasts often suffer from chronic symptoms that can interfere with their quality of life. Some of the most common symptoms include back, shoulder, and neck pain; skin irritation; rashes; and sores beneath the breasts (inframammary fold); deep shoulder grooves and indentations from bra straps; ill-fitting clothes and swimsuits; discomfort during physical activities and sports; and undesired attention due to their breast size. Breast reduction surgery, or mammoplasty, can provide relief from these ailments and offer other benefits that help patients look and feel their best:

  • A more proportionate breast shape
  • Decreased breast volume from eliminated excess breast and fatty tissue
  • Better quality of life with less pain and discomfort
  • A higher breast position on the chest wall
  • Improved physical activity that can also help with weight loss
  • Reduced nipple size and shape

Following female breast reduction surgery, the majority of patients usually consider the results to be life-changing with significant improvements to the discomfort experienced prior to surgery. In fact, Dr. Cohen describes individuals that undergo mammoplasty to be among his happiest patients. Dr. Cohen treats teenagers with large breasts and/or breast asymmetry. This is a common procedure he is asked to do. The nipple is left attached so that the goals of symmetry and a sensate nipple are accomplished. There are some patients with stretch marks that he will recommend an internal scaffold, called GalaFLEX, that will help with internal support.

For both men and women, breast reduction may involve a combination of surgical changes to the tissues and skin and/or liposuction to assist with removing fat deposits. Treatment plans vary for each patient based on the particulars of each case and are customized to deliver the best long-term outcome.

For more information about breast reduction or gynecomastia surgery, or to schedule a consultation with Dr. Cohen, contact our team today!